We're happy to announce that we have achieved our second milestone of 3k users on the Testnet! Now, CoinAvatar is closer to Mainnet than ever before. We still have optimizations to make before we jump into the real game, which is why we are announcing the final and truly engaging stage - the 3rd part of the Testnet with new rewards and options! It will start on March 1st, 2024!
How Many Users Does this Stage Allow?
We are drawing a new milestone of 7k users that we will grant with bonus CAV tokens for Testnet participation. We see how CoinAvatar breaks the borders on the world map, and we are happy to have such amazing crypto enthusiasts on board. We believe that together we will succeed in the crypto arena and take our place among the most successful projects nowadays.
What new rewards and updates does the new stage bring?
Due to numerous community requests, we are launching the referral program and asking you to introduce CoinAvatar to your friends to earn FREE MOLD on Mainnet for you and your friend. All you need to do is provide your friend with a recommendation, ask them to mint their first non-fungible asset Coin, follow us on Twitter (X) [Please note that we do not allow newly created accounts. We will only consider the following actions as completed if your account is at least 1 year old] and fill in the form with your friend's wallet address. That's it! We will secure the the free mold for you and your friend.
Great news! Even if you have already participated in the Testnet but want to refer a friend, feel free to submit the form, and we will secure a FREE MOLD for you and your friend. The number of friends you are allowed to refer is unlimited.
Additionally, we have reduced the number of actions for which users will be rewarded and will concentrate on the most important ones: minting an non-fungible asset Mold, minting an non-fungible asset Coin, and, of course, community engagement since we want to meet all of you and hear your feedback and thoughts.
Updated Table of Rewards!
Join us in the final stage of the testnet and claim your bonuses immediately after we reach the Mainnet! Become an early bird today to win the future tomorrow!